The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed (supported by the European Union under Horizon Europe, Grant Agreement N° 101137129), is a platform for joint programming of national and European regional research and innovation supporting activities putting into action “The Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Personalised Medicine (2023)” , SRIA for PM (2023), through dedicated research, development and innovation funding.
EP PerMed funding organisations, listed below, have agreed to launch the joint transnational call 2025 (JTC2025), co-funded by the EU, to fund multinational innovative research projects in personalised medicine (PM), which should bring together academic, clinical/public health and private research teams, thus enhancing the competitiveness in Europe in this field. The JTC2025 will be conducted simultaneously by the participating funding organisations in their respective region/country and coordinated centrally by the Joint Call Secretariat (JCS), hosted by the German Aerospace Center e.V. – Project Management Agency, (DLR-PT), Germany.
The call will be implemented in two stages, i.e. a pre- and a full-proposal phase. The available budget for this call is 35 Mio. € (approx.).
An information day introducing the JTC2025 to the research community will be organised most probably on January 09, 2025. More details (including the registration) will follow soon.